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  • 2023-07-24

Tips To Reduce Screen Addition

In Today’s digital world, screen time is inevitable. Almost everything in work, school, and daily life requires screens, including smartphones. Of course, technology has made it easier to reach out to loved ones or be updated with the latest news. However, too much time in front of smartphones can negatively affect mental and physical health.

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This is why it’s essential to recognize the importance of reducing screen time to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Here a few simple tips to help your children reduce their screen time and increase physical activity in order to maintain a healthy weight
* know how much screen media and physical activity your family is getting : by knowning how much screen time and how much physical activity they get, you will be more aware of how much energy out they are burning. Screen time includes TV, DVD, video games and computer use. The goal is for them to have no more than 2 hours of screen time a day and get 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity each day.
* Talk to your family: Explain to your children that its important to sit less and move more so they will stay at a healthy weight, be more  energized, have a chance to practice certain skil sets and socialize with friends and peers. Tell them that you also are going to limit your screen time and increase your physical activity, so you will all be working toward this goal together.
* Set limits on screen time : Set a house rule that your children may have no more than 2 hours a day of screen time. More more importantly, enforce the rule once its made. You may want to check into devices or internet programs that set limits on the TV or on the computer.
*Minimize the influence of TV in the home: Do not put a TV or computer in your child’s bedroom.This tends to physically isolate family members and decrease interaction.Also,childrenwho have TV in their room tend to spend almost 1½hours more in a typical day watching TV than do their peers without a set in their room.
*Make meal time,family time:  Turn off the TV during family meal time. Better yet, remove the TV from the eating area if you have one there. Family meals are a good time to talk to each other. Research has shown that families who eat together tend to eat more nutritious meals than families who eat separately.Make eating together a priority and schedule in family meals at least two to three times a week.
* Provide other options and alternatives:  Watching TV can become a habit for your child. Provide other alternatives for them to spend their time,such as playing outside,learning a hobby or sport,or spending time with family and friends.
*Set a good example:  You need to be a good role model and also limit your screen time to no more
than 2hours per day.If your kids see you following your own rules,then they will be more likely to follow.Instead of watching TV or surfing the Internet,spend time with your family doing something fun and active.
* Don’t use TV to reward or punish a child: Practices like this make TV seem even more important to children.